What’s common between four policemen, three auto drivers, a fireman, a milk delivery man, a buttermilk delivery man, a flower seller, a parish priest and assorted general busybodies? They are all uniformly curious as to what a disparate bunch of people with bulky cameras hanging around their necks was up to so early in the morning around the streets of Madras. This was my first photo walk with the Chennai photo walkers group. I have previously done long- three to four hours Madras walks, but they were always solo’s. I have pretty much explored all of George town, Mylapore, Triplicane, Egmore, Kilpauk, etc…but this was a pretty interesting destination proposed this time- Periamet and Vepery, areas which I have passed through on my way past to either Central or Purasawalkam. And here was a chance to explore it with a group of professional photographers.
So, on a calm Sunday morning,
early morning at five, I was up, shaving and showring like my usual six days a
week routine and was out of the house by 5:30AM for the six am rendezvous at Sydenhams
road, beside
Ripon building. Ripon Building is now closed down due to the Metro Rail work
and we were not permitted to shoot photos of it, so we set off down the road to
Periamet Mosque, shooting pics all along the way. The sky on a summer day was surprisingly
overcast and the sun refusing to come out it was actually quite pleasant to
walk on the roads without sweating. A few of the photographers who met old acquaintances
from previous walks kept peeling off to catch up with events over a cup of hot
tea on the numerous open tea shops which dotted the way, but as I was new to
the group, I stayed close to the organizers and tried to learn more about the
art of photography.
By now this had attracted the
attention of the above mentioned officious policemen, auto-men and all others who
kept stopping us and enquiring who we were and what we were doing. As the
non-photographer of the group, walking about with free hands while the others
were absorbed in world of their own with total concentration, I was assumed to
be the chaperon of the group and the enquiries were directed at me ad I spent a
very profitable days morning work by inventing highly wild stories for what we
were doing and seeing if they would pass muster based on the gullibility of the
listener. Except for the police, who I told the truth about being a group of
photo-enthusiasts, for the others it was pure fun inventing cover stories on
the spur of the moment and leaving them impressed/puzzled. Luckily, none of the
absorbed photographers happened to overhear the cover stories I was giving them
or the high build-up I was giving the entire photo walk. I am sure there would
have been a lot of anecdotes shared at various homes tonight by people who will
claim that they witnessed something unique…
In the rare intervals that I remembered
that I too was on a photo walk, I pulled out my auto and clicked off a few
shots of interesting things like the one where there was an old fashioned cycle
stand which I have never seen out of a movie, a flower seller who requested me
to click him after we spent a few minutes chatting about his business, a very
fine old church-St.Mathias of Vepery and a lot of comical advertisements and
shop boards..By then we had reached the end point of our walk Doveton café,
where after polishing off a hot, hot, Masala Dosa/filter coffee combo – we all
split for him promising to meet again next month for the next walk. All in all,
a pretty unique experience for me, to walk with a group and try to chat up
random strangers on the street, trying to get a few glimpses of their lives.
More than the photos or the buildings, what I remember with pleasure is all the
talks I had with people you don’t normally get to meet and chat. A Quite satisfying
Kalakkal Doktor ....